Zero Latency Linear Video Coding

Web site of the ZL-LVC project



ˆ H. Kanj, M. Kieffer, F.X. Coudoux, M. Cagnazzo and P. Corlay, “Adaptive Bitrate Control with Frame
Extrapolation for Ultra Low-Latency Video Transmission”, 2024 (submitted).
ˆ M. Vijayaratnam, G. Valenzise, M. Cagnazzo, E. Tartaglione , “A latency compensation framework for
video transmission based on frame extrapolation “ submitted to Signal Processing and Image Communications
(SPIC), Elsevier.


International conferences

ˆ H. Kanj, A. Trioux, F.X. Coudoux, M. Gharbi, P. Corlay and M. Kieffer, “A Comparative Study of
the Whitening Methods in Linear Video Coding and Transmission Schemes”, 2022 11th International
Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), El Jadida, Morocco, 2022, pp. 1-6,
doi: 10.1109/ ISIVC54825.2022.9800738.
ˆ H. Kanj, A. Trioux, M. Cagnazzo, F.X. Coudoux, P. Corlay, and M. Kieffer. “Glassto- glass delay
reduction: encoding rate reduction vs. video frame extrapolation”, IEEE 25th InternationalWorkshop
on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), IEEE, Poitier, France, 2023. <hal-04246725>.
ˆ H. Kanj, M. Kieffer, F.X. Coudoux, M. Cagnazzo, et P. Corlay, “Adaptive Bitrate Control with Frame
Extrapolation for Ultra Low-Latency Video Transmission”, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia
and Expo (ICME), Ultra Low-Latency and Robust Multimedia Delivery workshop, Niagra Falls,
Canada, 2024.
ˆ M. Vijayaratnam, M. Cagnazzo, G. Valenzise, A. Trioux, M. Kieffer, “Towards zero-latency video transmission
through frame extrapolation”, in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP), Bordeaux, France, 2022, pp. 2122-2126.
ˆ M. Vijayaratnam, M. Cagnazzo, G. Valenzise, E. Tartaglione, “All Predictions Matter: an Online Video
Prediction Approach ,” in 11th IEEE European Workshop on Visual Information Processing. (EUVIP)
2023, Gjøvik, Norway, 2023.
ˆ M. Vijayaratnam, M. Milovanovi´c, M. Cagnazzo, E. Tartaglione, G. Valenzise, “Unified Measures for the
Rate-Distortion-Latency Trade-off ”, in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications
and Image Processing (VCIP). IEEE, 2023., Jeju, Korea, 2023.


National Conferences

ˆ H. Kanj, A. Trioux, M. Cagnazzo, F.X. Coudoux, P. Corlay, et M. Kieffer, “Sur la faisabilité d’une
compensation efficace de la latence en utilisant l’extrapolation des images vidéo”, 22ème édition de la
conférence COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA), Lille, France, 2023.
ˆ H. Kanj, A. Trioux, M. Cagnazzo, F.X. Coudoux, P. Corlay, et M. Kieffer, “Compensation de la latence
Glass-to-Glass via extrapolation du flux vidéo : faisabilité et cas d’usage”, XXIXème Colloque sur le
traitement du signal et des images (GRESTI), Grenoble, France, 2023, pp. 133-136.
ˆ Vijayaratnam, M., Cagnazzo, M., Valenzise, G., Trioux, A., & Kieffer, M. (2022, September). Vers
une transmission vidéo sans latence par l’extrapolation d’images. In GRETSI XXVIIIème Colloque
Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images 2022.


Demonstration sessions

ˆ “Towards Zero-Latency Video Transmission through Frame Extrapolation”, by M. Vijayaratnam, E.
Tartaglione, M. Cagnazzo, G. Valenzise, O. Benameur, M. Leny, D. Nicholson. Demonstration shown
at EUVIP’24 conference.



We have also submitted several tutorials in top-tier scientific conferences. The target of these tutorials was
twofold: to spread into the community the information about the potential of LVC systems in particular for
low-latency applications; and of course, to disseminate the results of the ZL-LVC project.
We gave tutorials at three conferences:
ˆ IEEE VCIP 2022
These are significant conferences for our community: hence, giving tutorials in these venues is an
excellent advertisement for our project.