Zero Latency Linear Video Coding

Web site of the ZL-LVC project


The four members of the consortium are LTCI, L2S, IEMN, and EKTACOM. 

The LTCI (Laboratoire de Traitement et Communication de l’Information) is a research lab of Telecom Paris / Institut polytechnique de Paris. It addresses research issues in signal and image processing, digital communications, computer networks, and computer science. LTCI members involved in ZL-LVC are Marco Cagnazzo (full professor and project coordinator), Attilio Fiandrotti (associate professor with a strong background in robust video coding and transmission), and a Ph.D. student to be hired (and to be co-supervised with L2S). 

The L2S (Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes, UMR 8506) is a common research unit between Univ Paris-Saclay, CNRS, and CentraleSupélec involving more than 200 people, with about 100 permanent researchers/professors. Areas of interest of the unit mainly concern the fundamental and applied aspects of mathematics at the origin of the development of signal and image processing, information theory, cryptology, and control theory. L2S members involved in ZL-LVC are Michel Kieffer (professor), Giuseppe Valenzise (CNRS researcher), one Ph.D. student to be hired (to be co-supervised with EKTACOM), a Post-doc to be hired (to be co-supervised with IEMN). 

The IEMN (Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnology, UMR 8520) is a research unit supported by the CNRS and three regional partners: the University of Lille, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF, Valenciennes), and ISEN Yncréa (Lille). The Digital Communications group of IEMN has strong expertise in research fields including digital signal processing for communications, quality-oriented optimization of video delivery over error-prone networks, multi-carrier transmission, cognitive radio, and advanced UWB technology for intelligent transportation systems. IEMN members involved in the project are François-Xavier Coudoux (professor), Patrick Corlay (professor), Mohamed Gharbi (associate professor), Christophe Deknudt (part-time associate professor), in addition to one Ph.D. student co-supervised with LTCI.

EKTACOM has provided consulting and integration services for multimedia solutions since 2000. Its main mission is to design and build video solutions for its customers from the Broadcast, Institutional, Defence or Corporate world.  EKTACOM has started to work on the optimization of the future MPEG VVC codec for its applications, in the context of the FUI23 EFIGI project. Furthermore, D. Nicholson is involved in MPEG standardization, where he has the role  (function shared with M. Mitrea) of Head of the French Delegation.